Solar Crest is usable on pretty much every role in Dota 2 patch 7.35.
The nice thing about items that provide everything is that everyone wants to use them. This gives Shine a huge amount of utility, as you never want to walk around.unshined (that's a word right?).Īnd the active costs no mana, cause Solar Crest is flawsless. Oh but the barrier isn't the only thing Shine provides, as you also get bonus armor, movement speed, and attack speed, whether you use it on allies or yourself. It's far superior to just providing extra armor as it did in the past, which was nice but did nothing to save someone on the verge of death. That's 50% uptime and you can use it on yourself before jumping into fights or simply to keep your health high while jungling.īarriers are a fantastic way to save allies, as they can be used on someone with one health and they would still be able to survive a few hits. Shine provides the user or his allies with a 400 physical damage barrier that lasts eight seconds on a 16-second cooldown. If I had to pick just one reason as to why Solar Crest is worth picking, it's because Shine is an amazing active ability. Add a Solar Crest and watch allies survive one crit from PA.